Benefits of Directory Submission in Digital Marketing

Most of them know how to do on line marketing. But, apart from that there are other methods which play important role for Digital Marketing. Someone who have to be listed by Google they need to follow the methods to get ranked in the Page One !! And it’s very important to understand how Google rates the websites and the steps to attract Google searchers.  One needs to understand about Link Popularity. That means how can be linked through other websites. For that one has to know about Directory Submission. Directory Submission is the process done manually, one has to submit all data’s about their website to the link on web directory and the link is approved by the reviewer. Once its approved the search engine allots more value to the website.

Process for Digital Submission

These Directories are user-friendly, anyone can update this directory. Only thing is one have to wait for approval from reviewer. There are different kinds of Link Popularity, to name a few, one way link popularity, two way popularity and three way popularity. One has to be wise enough to understand and proceed with this process of getting linked. As the two way link popularity can bring down a low performing website. Hence it is suggested to opt for one way link popularity. If a person has many websites then, one can opt three way popularity. This means the person who has many websites; have to decide which of the website can be linked.

Digital Marketing Cochin
Digital Marketing at ILT

Before you submit your link to a directory, read all submission rules and guidelines. Be careful, since different directories have different rules. Choose the category under which your link will be listed. Choose one that not only makes the most sense, but also gains the most visitors. A directory submission requires a brief description of your website. The description is normally between 200 and 250 words, and should contain several important keywords as well as accurately describing your site.

The good news is, most directory submissions are not chargeable! Requesting to include a link in the average web directory doesn’t cost a rupee, though there are certain professional web directories do have high charges.

At Internet leads Training Cochin, we provide SEO Training/Digital Marketing which includes directory Submission that will help your website gain the traction it deserves. We only submit to high-quality directories and will make sure all your site details meet directory guidelines.

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